OnStation’s New Group Feature Means Optimized Communication For Users
By now, you’ve probably noticed that OnStation’s Flag & Chat feature makes work site documentation a breeze. We’ve just released a feature that makes sharing project information with those who need to know even easier.
The Flag & Chat Groups feature allows you to create groups on the portal or in the OnStation app and share Flag & Chats with these groups. One way your team can optimize this feature is to create groups of users with whom you frequently share flags. Another way is to create groups that separate users on the job by their primary function or crew. That way, instead of individually selecting each user in that crew each time you drop a flag, you can just select the group and keep moving.
Let’s say you represent a Prime Paving Contractor responsible for laying down material on a new stretch of road. Your team is equipped with OnStation, and you have a Paving Crew, Dirt Crew, and a QC/QA Crew all working on the project. Your team takes advantage of the Groups feature by creating a group for each one of these crews. Notice some cracking in the asphalt or concrete? Drop a flag, share it with the Paving or QC/QA crew, and get it resolved quickly.